Get to know the art academy digitally

If you are interested in studying art or design, you can find out everything you need to know with just one click on Wednesday, 23 October at 1 p.m.: How does the application process work at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design? Which artistic works should be included in the application portfolio? And what does it look like at the art academy?
These and many other questions will be answered by the team of the student department in the ‘digital study info’. Via Zoom, prospective students will be able to gain insights into the art academy and clarify individual questions for the application process. Because: From November 1 to 15, (...)

Annual exhibition Einblick / Ausblick from 18 to 21 July

How do art and design students work and research? The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel is opening its doors from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 July for its annual exhibition “Einblick Ausblick “. During these days, studios, workshops, lecture theatres, studios and workspaces will be transformed into an exhibition covering around 10,000 square metres: guests can gain unique insights for four days with free admission: More than 600 students from the Fine Arts, Art for Teaching at Grammar Schools, Communication and Industrial Design and Spatial Strategies degree programmes will be showing the projects they have created during the academic year. Visitors to the art academy can find out about the artistic and creative work in art and design – (...)

Apply now!

Anyone wishing to study at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design from the winter semester 2024/25 can apply from 1 to 15 May. You can apply online. All relevant information on the application process for Bachelor’s and Master’s students can be found here. The link to the digital application portal will also be published here from 1 May.

The only art college in Schleswig-Holstein offers Bachelor students a selection of art and design degree programmes: There are Communication Design, Industrial Design, Scenography / Interior Design, Fine Art and Art Teaching at Grammar Schools. The Master’s degree programmes in Communication Design, Spatial Strategies, Fine Arts, Art Teaching at Grammar Schools and two different Master’s programmes in Industrial Design are also offered: Medical Design and Interface Design. (...)

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Study programs and module plans


BachelorMasterStart of studies
B.F.A. Liberal ArtsM.F.A. Liberal ArtsB.F.A.: Winter semester
M.F.A.: Winter and summer semester
B.A. Art teaching degree at grammar schoolsM.Ed. Art teaching degree at grammar schoolsB.A.: Winter semester
M.Ed.: Winter and summer semester
B.A. Communication DesignM.A. Communication DesignB.A.: Winter and summer semester
M.A.: Winter and summer semester
B.A. Industrial DesignM.A. Industrial Design
(Medical Design or Interface Design)
B.A.: Winter and summer semester
M.A.: Winter and summer semester
B.A. Scenography / Interior DesignM.A. Spatial StrategiesB.A.: Winter semester
M.A: Winter and summer semester


Liberal Arts

For aspiring artists, the focus is on basic artistic teaching in the basic class, painting, drawing and graphics, sculpture (sculpture, installation, spatial conception), media art as well as art and ceramics.
The aim of the study program is to develop an independent artistic identity.

The study program should help students to realise their own artistic ideas, to be able to assess the quality of their own work, to place it in a theoretically relevant context and to present it appropriately. Practical, theoretical and artistic-creative skills are acquired for this purpose. Projects outside the university offer the opportunity to carry out designs and test possible forms of presentation. The study program should enable students to formulate their own positions and reactions. The “art operating system” gains transparency – especially with regard to its social relevance.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (8 Semesters)
Master of Fine Arts (4 Semesters)

Start of studies:
B.F.A. Liberal Arts: Winter semester (application 1-15 May)
M.F.A. Liberal Arts: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)

Language requirements for international applicants:
B.F.A. Liberal Arts: German B1 (Goethe B1, ÖSD B1, telc B1)
M.F.A. Liberal Arts: German B2 (Goethe B2, DSH1, Test-DaF 4×3, telc B2)

Art teaching at grammar schools

Prospective art teachers study two subjects. The subject of art is taught at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, the second subject is taught at the Christian Albrechts University (CAU). For the artistic part, similar contents and goals apply as for prospective liberal artists. This area can also be supplemented by interdisciplinary studies in areas of design (typography, conception & design, etc.) and spatial strategies.
School-relevant courses prepare students for the special requirements of a teacher. Art didactic and pedagogical training is also offered at the CAU’s Centre for Teacher Training. Information on possible subject combinations can be found on the Kiel University website

To be able to enrol, you need admission from both universities.

Bachelor of Arts (6 Semesters)
Master of Education (4 Semesters)

Start of studies:
B.A. Art teaching at grammar schools: Winter semester (application 1-15 May)
M.Ed. Art teaching at grammar schools: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)

Language requirements for international applicants:
B.A. Art teaching at grammar schools: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)
M.Ed. Art teaching at grammar schools: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)

Communication Design

Visual communication in modern society needs qualified designers. Our degree program is designed to impart basic skills to be able to develop design solutions at a practice-oriented level. Here we teach how to deal with media reality, its aesthetic patterns, possibilities and their social meanings. The course covers the fields of typography and design, conception and drafting, language and communication, photography as well as illustration and drawing.
Technical and design skills are taught in print media, exhibition design, photography and all areas of digital media. Art and design history, sociology of art and psychology of perception, marketing and aesthetics complement the study program.

Bachelor of Arts (8 Semesters)
Master of Arts (4 Semesters)

Start of studies:
B.A. Communication Design: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)
M.A. Communication Design: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)

Language requirements for international applicants:
B.A. Communication Design: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)
M.A. Communication Design: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)

Industrial Design

In industrial design, a physical form is given to a specific purpose. This is made producible taking into account construction, function, aesthetics and the environment.
The degree program begins with design basics. Projects, exercises and seminars prepare students for the main subjects of constructive design, methodical design and process-oriented design. Products and concepts are created that – in addition to the variety of forms – are socially responsible, ecologically sensible and future-oriented. Analysis and problem identification in design teaching are at the forefront and form the prerequisite for holistic action. In addition to design competence, confident handling of construction and manufacturing processes is taught and work with methodical planning strategies and software-oriented design processes is trained.

Bachelor of Arts (8 Semesters)
Master of Arts (4 Semesters) – Interface Design or Medical Design

Start of studies:
B.A. Industrial Design: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)
M.A. Industrial Design: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)

Language requirements for international applicants:
B.A. Industrial Design: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)
M.A. Industrial Design: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)

Scenography / Interior Design / Spatial Strategies

The aim of this degree program is to gain basic knowledge and skills in spatial and scenographic design: the design of individual objects, artistic intervention and the development of complex, space-related concepts (uses of space, staging of space).
The fundamentals of design, construction and drafting, function, concept and realisation as well as space, ensemble and effect are taught. From the first semester onwards, the program is project-oriented and thus allows students to gain an independent concept of art and design in space. Studies on production, joining and material techniques help in the realisation of the projects. Design-specific approaches, competent handling of materials and products, design methodology, implementation strategies and presentation techniques as well as concept development and realisation in digital media are offered.

Bachelor of Arts (8 Semesters) – Scenography/Interior Design
Master of Arts (4 Semesters) – Spatial Strategies

Start of studies:
B.A. Scenography/Interior Design: Winter semester (application 1-15 May)
M.A. Spatial Strategies: Winter and Summer semester (application 1-15 May and 1-15 November)

Language requirements for international applicants:
B.A. Scenography/Interior Design: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)
M.A. Spatial Strategies: German C1 (Goethe C1, Telc C1 Hochschule, TestDaF 4×4, DSH-2)


Winter semester
– All Bachelor’s degree programs
– All Master’s degree programs

Summer semester
– B.A. Industrial Design
– B.A. Communication Design
– All Master’s degree programs



Applications for admission to doctoral studies must be submitted to Dr. Melanie Lessmann, Scientific Officer of the President, by 1 May or 1 November of each year. As soon as the exposé required for admission, including application documents, has been accepted by the doctoral committee, enrolment can take place.

Tuition fees are not charged.



Module plans provide information about the content of the study programs. You can download the current versions here:

Current Module Plans Bachelor

DegreeStudy ProgramStudy DurationDownload
Bachelor of Fine ArtsLiberal Arts (PO 2023)8 SemestersModule Plan B.F.A. Liberal Arts (PO 2023)
Bachelor of ArtsArt teaching at grammar schools (PO 2017)6 SemestersModule plan B.A. Art teaching (PO 2017)

Please also use the info page of the CAU.
Bachelor of ArtsCommunication Design (PO 2021)8 SemestersModule plan B.A. Communication Design (PO 2021)
Bachelor of ArtsIndustrial Design (PO 2021)8 SemestersModule plan B.A. Industrial Design (PO 2021)
Bachelor of ArtsScenography / Interior Design (PO 2021)8 SemestersModule plan B.A. Scenography / Interior Design (PO 2021)

Older Module Plans Bachelor

DegreeStudy ProgramStudy DurationDownload
Bachelor of Fine ArtsLiberal Arts (PO 2015)8 SemestersModule Plan B.F.A. Liberal Arts (PO 2015)
Bachelor of ArtsCommunication Design (PO 2014)6 SemestersModule plan B.A. Communication Design (PO 2014)
Bachelor of ArtsIndustrial Design (PO 2014)6 SemestersModule plan B.A. Industrial Design (PO 2014)
Bachelor of ArtsScenography / Interior Design (PO 2014)6 SemestersModule plan B.A Scenography / Interior Design (PO 2014)


Module Plans Master

DegreeStudy ProgramStudy DurationDownload
Master of Fine ArtsLiberal Arts (PO 2023)4 SemestersModule plan M.F.A. Liberal Arts (PO 2023)
Master of Fine ArtsLiberal Arts (PO 2015)4 SemestersModule plan M.F.A. Liberal Arts (PO 2015)
Master of EducationArt teaching at grammar schools (PO 2017)4 SemestersModule plan M.Ed. Art teaching (PO 2017)

Please also use the info page of the CAU.
Master of ArtsCommunication Design (PO 2014)4 SemestersModule plan M.A. Communication Design (PO 2014)
Master of ArtsIndustrial Design / Interface Design and Medical Design (PO 2014)4 SemestersModule plan M.A. Industrial Design (PO 2014)
Master of ArtsSpatial Strategies (PO 2014)4 SemestersModule plan M.A. Spatial Strategies (PO 2014)



General questions about studying/applying

Janina Schilling
Student Secretariat
T 0431 / 5198 – 487

Questions about PhD

Melanie Lessmann
T 0431/ 5198-402


For teaching staff authorised to assess PhD candidates

Design Dr. Bettina Möllring
T 0431 / 5198 – 427, E

Spatial Strategies Dr. Sandra Schramke
T 0431 / 5198 – 469, E

History of Art Dr. Christiane Kruse
T 0431 / 5198 – 438, E

Art, Cultural and Media Sciences Dr. Petra Maria Meyer
T 0431 / 5198 – 503, E


Prof. Dr. Norbert M. Schmitz
T 0431 / 5198 – 423, E