Annual exhibition Einblick / Ausblick from 18 to 21 July

How do art and design students work and research? The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel is opening its doors from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 July for its annual exhibition “Einblick Ausblick “. During these days, studios, workshops, lecture theatres, studios and workspaces will be transformed into an exhibition covering around 10,000 square metres: guests can gain unique insights for four days with free admission: More than 600 students from the Fine Arts, Art for Teaching at Grammar Schools, Communication and Industrial Design and Spatial Strategies degree programmes will be showing the projects they have created during the academic year. Visitors to the art academy can find out about the artistic and creative work in art and design – (...)

Apply now!

Anyone wishing to study at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design from the winter semester 2024/25 can apply from 1 to 15 May. You can apply online. All relevant information on the application process for Bachelor’s and Master’s students can be found here. The link to the digital application portal will also be published here from 1 May.

The only art college in Schleswig-Holstein offers Bachelor students a selection of art and design degree programmes: There are Communication Design, Industrial Design, Scenography / Interior Design, Fine Art and Art Teaching at Grammar Schools. The Master’s degree programmes in Communication Design, Spatial Strategies, Fine Arts, Art Teaching at Grammar Schools and two different Master’s programmes in Industrial Design are also offered: Medical Design and Interface Design. (...)

From 20 to 23 July, the annual exhibition “Einblick / Ausblick” is celebrated

It is a lavish celebration full of art and design: for the annual exhibition Einblick / Ausblick, the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts opens its doors from Thursday, 20 to Sunday, 23 July. On these days, studios, workshops, lecture halls and workrooms will be transformed into an exhibition of around 10,000 square metres: for four days, visitors can gain an insight into the artistic work of students of free art, art for teaching at grammar schools, communication and industrial design as well as spatial strategies. The motto of this year’s Einblick / Ausblick is networking.

“The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts is a place of culture and a place of social encounter, (...)

Weitere Meldungen

New release: Ephemer.

  With contributions from: Barry Bermange, Gabriele Brandstetter, Danica Darkic, Martina Dobbe, Martin Dornberg, Hinderk M. Emmrich, Daniel Fetzner, Yael Kaduri, Annette Le Fort, Angela (...)

Aktuelle Arbeiten

Centre for Media

The Centre for Media is an interdisciplinary institute of the Muthesius University and includes the fields of study of Film/Time-Based Media and Interactive Media. Both disciplines work with audio-visual elements, and the combination of sound, image and interactivity open up many different possibilities to develop novel narrative and staging forms.

In this sense, the Centre for Media sees itself as a research and experimental institution, which is involved in the re-interpretation and further development of time-based and interactive media and thus cooperates closely with the study courses of Fine Arts, Design and Spatial Strategies. A particular feature of the ZfM is its participation in the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”. In both fields of study, the centre has developed numerous works on the artistic interpretation of subjects in the marine sciences as well as its own artistic research. The resulting research focus “Science Visualisation” bundles these activities and presents the findings via seminars and publications.

A Master’s degree can be supervised and attained in both fields of study of the Centre.
For questions, please contact:

Interactive Media / Information Design

Substitute professor, Experimental Film / Time-Based Media


Lecturers and academic employees in the Centre for Media:

Lecturer for Digital Design Basics

Lecturer for Web Development

Academic Employee for Generative Media, Physical Computing and Motion Design

Lecturer for Special Tasks; Sound Studies / Intermedia

Lecturer for Web-Based Technologies

Lecturer for Camera and Artistic (Documentary) Film

Head of the Video Workshop

Lecturer for 3D Simulation and Animation

Lecturer for Time-Based Media


Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Master of Arts (M. A.) with the focus on:
– Interactive Information Design
– Experimental Film / Time-Based Media
