Get to know the art academy digitally

If you are interested in studying art or design, you can find out everything you need to know with just one click on Wednesday, 23 October at 1 p.m.: How does the application process work at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design? Which artistic works should be included in the application portfolio? And what does it look like at the art academy?
These and many other questions will be answered by the team of the student department in the ‘digital study info’. Via Zoom, prospective students will be able to gain insights into the art academy and clarify individual questions for the application process. Because: From November 1 to 15, (...)

Annual exhibition Einblick / Ausblick from 18 to 21 July

How do art and design students work and research? The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel is opening its doors from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 July for its annual exhibition “Einblick Ausblick “. During these days, studios, workshops, lecture theatres, studios and workspaces will be transformed into an exhibition covering around 10,000 square metres: guests can gain unique insights for four days with free admission: More than 600 students from the Fine Arts, Art for Teaching at Grammar Schools, Communication and Industrial Design and Spatial Strategies degree programmes will be showing the projects they have created during the academic year. Visitors to the art academy can find out about the artistic and creative work in art and design – (...)

Apply now!

Anyone wishing to study at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design from the winter semester 2024/25 can apply from 1 to 15 May. You can apply online. All relevant information on the application process for Bachelor’s and Master’s students can be found here. The link to the digital application portal will also be published here from 1 May.

The only art college in Schleswig-Holstein offers Bachelor students a selection of art and design degree programmes: There are Communication Design, Industrial Design, Scenography / Interior Design, Fine Art and Art Teaching at Grammar Schools. The Master’s degree programmes in Communication Design, Spatial Strategies, Fine Arts, Art Teaching at Grammar Schools and two different Master’s programmes in Industrial Design are also offered: Medical Design and Interface Design. (...)

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Institute for the Science of Art, Design and Media

Experiences at universities of art and design show that an increased offer of theory or the expansion of the relevant compulsory course merely place practical design and theoretical reflection unconnectedly next to each other.
The basic idea of the Institute for Art, Design and Media Studies is the concept of a “double track”: If, on the one hand, it is about the systematic teaching of theoretical content from aesthetics, art and image history, as well as media and cultural theory, on the other hand, theoretical work and reflection is necessary, which is understood from the practice, the “matter” of design and its problems. It calls for direct cooperation between the courses and the Institute of Art, Design and Media Studies.

The general theory offered goes beyond the imparting of subject-specific knowledge, lays scientific foundations, highlights contemporary developments and debates, and examines their historical preconditions. The “practice-reflecting” theory work corresponds additionally to the implementation of joint projects with special theory offerings, furthermore the “Interdisciplinary Weeks” regularly organized by the Forum and the “Experimental Space” with lectures, seminars and projects on current topics as well as the testing of new forms of teaching such as the format of the “studio visit” with opportunity for topic-centered discussion, work discussion or theoretical short seminars at the location of the work itself.

The Institute for Art, Design and Media Studies is responsible for the fields of aesthetics, cultural and media studies as well as art history and visual cultures. The Forum is associated with it. In accordance with the respective study and examination regulations, the contents are taught via lectures, seminars and exercises as compulsory subjects in all BA and MA courses. Parts of the theory teaching can be offered in cooperation with the Christian-Albrechts-University. Furthermore, the increase of the theory part in the teaching corresponds to the general tendency of a scientification of all competences. Just as a “knowledge society” is defined to a large extent by science and technology, this also applies increasingly to design work and art. The theory offered at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts seeks to take this into account by expanding its offerings to include visual, and cultural and media studies.

Important information for art student teachers

In order that the achievements in the field of art history/art theory, which have been made at the IKDM of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, can be entered into the examination system of the CAU, we ask the students to have a certificate issued by the respective lecturer, which shows the achievement made (title of the course, SWS, examination achievement, etc.). As long as the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts does not have access to the digital student online function (HIS-QIS), these services will be forwarded to the examination office by Prof. Dr. Beuckers ( and Martina Ide, OStR’in i.H. ( Please get in contact with them.

Teaching staff

Art history and visual cultures

Cultural and media studies with a focus on philosophy

Institute of Art, Design and Media Studies: Aesthetics



Lecturer IKDM and Time Based Media

Lecturer for art analysis

IKDM, Art History

Design science and history

IKDM Doctoral Seminar




Guidelines for title page, submission and length of term papers (graded term papers; specialization) in the B.A. and Master’s programs or B.A. and M.A. teacher training programs

Citation guidelines for bachelor and master theses