Information days on 12 and 13 February

The most northerly art academy in Germany invites you to its Study Information Days on Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 February 2025.

On Wednesday, 12 February, from 2 p.m., all those interested can get to know the courses of study online in direct exchange with students and professors, while on Thursday, 13 February, the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design will open its doors to high school students and all those interested. The varied programme allows visitors to get to know the courses in Fine Art, Art Education at Grammar Schools, Spatial Strategies, Industrial Design and Communication Design on this day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Questions about the application and admission process as well as everyday life at the art academy will be answered, (...)

Get to know the art academy digitally

If you are interested in studying art or design, you can find out everything you need to know with just one click on Wednesday, 23 October at 1 p.m.: How does the application process work at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design? Which artistic works should be included in the application portfolio? And what does it look like at the art academy?
These and many other questions will be answered by the team of the student department in the ‘digital study info’. Via Zoom, prospective students will be able to gain insights into the art academy and clarify individual questions for the application process. Because: From November 1 to 15, (...)

Annual exhibition Einblick / Ausblick from 18 to 21 July

How do art and design students work and research? The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel is opening its doors from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 July for its annual exhibition “Einblick Ausblick “. During these days, studios, workshops, lecture theatres, studios and workspaces will be transformed into an exhibition covering around 10,000 square metres: guests can gain unique insights for four days with free admission: More than 600 students from the Fine Arts, Art for Teaching at Grammar Schools, Communication and Industrial Design and Spatial Strategies degree programmes will be showing the projects they have created during the academic year. Visitors to the art academy can find out about the artistic and creative work in art and design – (...)

Weitere Meldungen

Apply now!

Anyone wishing to study at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design from the winter semester 2024/25 can apply from 1 to 15 May. (...)

Aktuelle Arbeiten

fernweh / International Office


Maud Zieschang
T +49/(0)431 / 5198 – 501
Legienstraße 35, Verwaltung, Raum 01.04

Office hours

Open consultation hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. and additionally by appointment.


International Students

…are welcome to apply to the Muthesius – please note that you also have to register at uni-assist and that a German language certificate is required.

Exchange Students

Please contact your home university’s international office for further information and support. Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design holds a range of bilateral agreements to European partneruniversities in the frame of ERASMUS + and we are open for new agreements on behalf of student’s mobility. More details can be found on the left side – please click Exchange.


Paths abroad – Outgoing

Contact with our partner universities abroad runs from here. We implement cooperation agreements and bring partnership agreements to life. In addition, we provide information about funding programs and scholarships. The International Office, here “fernweh-Büro”, is the contact point for the mobility of students, doctoral candidates, lecturers and staff – outgoing and incoming.
Studying abroad or an internship offers the possibility to experience work and everyday life in an international context, an increasingly important aspect in the professions of the future. The most used aspect of our work is the ERASMUS+ program, however, Fulbright and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) also offer respected and highly paid schalorships for teaching staff, researchers and students. When searching for further grant/scholarhsip offers, internet portals such as DAAD Scholarship Database and mystipendium can be very useful.

On the page “Europass” there is the standardized possibility to summarize repeatedly requested data such as the curriculum vitae and to use it for job applications.

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Student Mobility

In the context of the Bologna reform, increasing student mobility is one of the central demands of all stakeholders in higher education. The aim is to enable all students to be mobile within their period of study. Complementary to the ERASMUS + program, PROMOS was launched with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office – among other things, for worldwide internships and study stays at non-partner universities outside the EU.
In the fernweh blog, we only publish offers for jobs and internships abroad that we have checked and can recommend. Especially helpful for designers are international portals like Design Directory .

With the introduction of Erasmus +, graduate internships are also eligible. They must be carried out within one calendar year after graduation (date of exmatriculation) – minimum duration for all internships: 2 months.

Teacher mobility

By spending time at a host university abroad, guest lecturers impart their expertise to students who do not want to or cannot study outside their university. In this way, they strengthen international partnerships between universities and promote the exchange of teaching content and methods. Within Europe, this can be realized with the ERASMUS + program for lifelong learning.

Staff mobility

In order to further the internationalization of the universities, there is the possibility for all employees to use the ERASMUS + program for further education and training measures.


The Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS+, one of the largest, most successful stories of the European Union, has promoted the international mobility of students, teaching staff and personnel in Europe since 1987. So far, around 2 million students and approx. 200,000 teaching staff have managed a stay abroad via the programme. The Muthesius has held an ERASMUS+ University Charter (EUC) since 2007 and thus fulfils all the conditions for participation in the programme. Via the Erasmus policy statement, the Muthesius University is obligated to network with universities and institutes within Europe.

The funding rates are set by country group for one academic year.
Erasmus funding rates 2024/2025

Partner universities

CountryCityUniversityStudy Programs
BelgiumAntwerpAntwerpen Belgien St Luca University College of Art & DesignBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design (Master currently only in BA3)
BrusselsAcadémie royale des Beaux-ArtsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
GentSint-Lucas Hoogeschool voor Beeldende KunstBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design

Only Bachelor: Sceno
BulgariaSofiaNational Academy of Artfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
FinlandHelsinki Kuvataideakatemia Finish Academy of Fine ArtsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts
VaasaNovia YrkeshögskolanBachelor only:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Photography, Spatial Strategies
FranceAnnecyESAAA, Experimental School of Arts Annecy AlpesBachelor and Master:
Art, Design and Space
BrestÉcole Supérieure de beaux-artsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Industrial Design, Design Product, Space/Sceno
Caen/CherbourgÉcole supérieure d´arts & médiasBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Graphic Design
LorientÉcole Supérieure de beaux-artsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design
NancyÉcole nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancyfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
NantesÉcole supérieur des beaux-artsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts
ParisÉcole de CondéBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
QuimperÉcole Supérieure de beaux-artsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts
Rennes École Supérieure de beaux-artsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Design: object, digital, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
St. EtienneÉcole Supérieure d`Art et Design for all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
Le Mans
TALMfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
Valence/GrenobleL´ESAD Grenoble-ValenceBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design
Great BritainLondonKingston University LondonBachelor only:
Industrial Design and Communication Design
IrelandDublinNational College of Art and DesignBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Industrial Design
IcelandReykjavik Listaháskóli Íslandsfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
ItalyBolognaAccademia di Belle Arti di Bolognafor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
BresciaLibera Accademia di belle Arti Bresciafor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
RomeAccademia di belle arte di RomaBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
CroatiaSplitSveuciliste University of Splitfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
LatviaRigaLMA Art Academy of Latviafor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
LithuaniaVilniusVilnius Academy of Artsfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
VilniusCollege of DesignBachelor only:
Sceno, Communication Design, also photo and fashion
NetherlandsDelftTU Delft Master only:
Medical Design
Den HaagRoyal Academy of ArtBachelor only:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Sceno, Furniture Design
Eindhoven Design Academy EindhovenBachelor only:
Communication Design, Industrial Design, Sceno
GroningenAcademie MinervaBachelor only:
Fine Arts 5. and 6. Sem. /
Communication Design, Sceno, Product Design 4. and 6. Sem.
MaastrichtMaastricht Institute of Artfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
NorwayBergenKunst- og designhögskolenfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
OsloOslo National Academy of the Artsfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
TromsøThe Arctic University of Norway Bachelor and Master:
Fine Arts
AustriaLinzkunst universität linz
for all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
ViennaAkademie der Bildenden Künste WienBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts
PolandWroclawThe Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Designfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
GdanskAkademia Sztuk Pieknych w Gdanskufor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
Poznan Poznan University of Artsfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
StettinAkademia Sztuki w SzczecinieBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
PortugalLisbonFaculdade de Belas-Arts da Universidade de LisboaBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Industrial Design
Matosinhos EASDBachelor and Master:
Communication Design, Industrial Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies (MA only for two semesters)
PortoFaculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do PortoBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design
RomaniaBucharestUniversitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucurestifor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
Cluj-NapocaCluj-NapocaBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Industrial Design
SwedenUmeåUmeå Institute of DesignBachelor and Master:
Industrial Design
Umeå Academy of Fine ArtsBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts
SwitzerlandBaselHochschule für Gestaltung und Kunstfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
BernHochschule der Künste BernBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design
Master: Design
GenevaHaute école d'art et de designBachelor and Master:
Sceno/Spatial Strategies
ZurichZürcher Hochschule der KünsteMaster only:
Communication Design, Industrial Design, Interaction Design
SlovakiaBratislava Academy of Fine Arts and DesignBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Industrial Design, textile, glass, metal
SpainAlmeríaEscuela de arte de Almería Bachelor only:
Fine Art/Visual Art & Design
BarcelonaUniversitat de BarcelonaBachelor only:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Industrial Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
Escola MassanaBachelor only:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Industrial Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies
BilbaoUniversidad del País VascoMaster only:
Fine Arts, Design
CreanavarraCreanavarra Centro Superior de Diseño Bachelor only:
Sceno, Communication Design
JerezEscuela de Arte de JerezBachelor only:
LogronoESDIR La RiojaBachelor only:
Communication Design, Industrial Design, Sceno
MadridTaiarts-Escuela de ArtesBachelor only:
Fine Arts + Film/Photo
MurciaEscuela Superior de Diseño de la Región de MurciaBachelor only:
Communication Design, Industrial Desgin, Sceno, Fashion
Santiago de CompostelaEscola de Arte e Superior de Deseño Mestre MateoBachelor only:
Industrial Design
SevillaEscuela de Arte de SevillaBachelor only:
Communication Design, Sceno
Vitoria-GasteizIDArte - Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de EuskadiBachelor only:
Sceno, Graphic, Photo, Illustration
ZamoraEscuela de Arte y Superior de Diseno de ZamoraBachelor only:
Sceno, graphic advertising + sculptural techniques / sculptural techniques in wood
Czech RepublicPragueAcademy of Fine Arts in PragueMaster only:
Fine Arts
Zlín Tomas Bata UniversityBachelor and Master:
all design subjects + film
TurkeyAnkaraBaskent Üniversitesifor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
IstanbulMimar Sinan Fine Arts Universityfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
HungaryBudapestBudapest Metropolitan Universityfor all study programs (Bachelor and Master)
Hungarian University of Fine Arts MKEBachelor and Master:
Fine Arts, Communication Design, Sceno/Spatial Strategies


Further university cooperations

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, IsraelBA and MA, all programs
MA only in winter semester
Holon Institute of Technology, IsraelBA only, not liberal arts
Kobe Design University, JapanB.A.: Sceno, Industrial Design, Communication Design, Media Art
M.A.: Integrated Arts and Design Division
Jeju National University, South Korea
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
National Institute of Design in Ahmadebad, India
South China Normal University in Guangdong-Guangzhou, PR China
Tongji University College of Design and Innovation, PR China



Maud Zieschang
T +49/(0)431 – 5198-501

fernweh / International Office, Legienstraße 35, Administration Building, Room 01.04