Our press office is the central location for all information regarding research and teaching at the Muthesius University. The office produces press releases using various channels to inform the public domain. We also accompany publications of members of the institute, give advice and assistance, and look after the unity of our corporate identity outside and inside the University. Editorial boards and journalists can find a central communication partner at the press office for all questions relating to the university.
Social Media
The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts is represented on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Press Releases
Press releases are regularly published by the press office.
Press Review
All press reviews of the last years can be looked at in the press office. Because of the copyright law the press office is not allowed to publish the press reviews.
Publisher Muthesius Kunsthochschule
The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts has its own publishing house and is happy to support and advise on the publication of books that are produced in the context of university teaching. These publications of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts can be ordered through the press office.
Public university
Under the motto “Alles offen” there is a regular study information day in mid-February. On this day, the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts offers guided tours, portfolio advice, and student advising sessions.
At the end of each summer semester, a team of students organizes the traditional annual exhibition “Einblick-Ausblick” on campus.
The Forum and the Institute for Art, Design and Media Studies at Muthesius Academy of Art are particularly involved in organizing public symposia and lectures. Current dates for public events are published there and on the homepage in the main blog.
With our own stand or in partnership with other universities in Schleswig-Holstein, we are represented at the most important education fairs for us and the regional fairs of the employment offices. We also had our own stand at Photokina in Cologne, as well as at the Leipzig Book Fair and CeBIT in Hanover.
Voluntary social year (culture)
We participate in the FSJ Culture and Education. The press office of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts accepts a young employee for one year at a time. Your application for this placement is possible via online application form. The application phase always runs from January 1 to March 31 for the year FSJ Kultur beginning on September 1.
Julia Marre, Press officer
T 0431 / 5198 – 463
E marre@muthesius.de
Maike Brzakala, Digital Communications, Deputy Press Officer
T 0431 / 5198 – 416
E brzakala@muthesius.de
General inquiries to the press office: presse@muthesius.de
To the press office
Katja Beilfuß
T 0431 / 5198 – 471
E kbeilfuss@muthesius.de
About Digital Communication and Muthesius Website
Maike Brzakala
T 0431 / 5198 – 416
E brzakala@muthesius.de
FSJ Culture
Leander Schroeder, FSJ Culture
T 0431- 5198 – 497
E presse2@muthesius.de
The press and public relations work of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts is based on the guidelines for good scientific PR of the Federal Association of University Communication. As a member of the association, the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts publishes the guidelines and the checklist here.