Get to know the art academy digitally

If you are interested in studying art or design, you can find out everything you need to know with just one click on Wednesday, 23 October at 1 p.m.: How does the application process work at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design? Which artistic works should be included in the application portfolio? And what does it look like at the art academy?
These and many other questions will be answered by the team of the student department in the ‘digital study info’. Via Zoom, prospective students will be able to gain insights into the art academy and clarify individual questions for the application process. Because: From November 1 to 15, (...)

Annual exhibition Einblick / Ausblick from 18 to 21 July

How do art and design students work and research? The Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel is opening its doors from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 July for its annual exhibition “Einblick Ausblick “. During these days, studios, workshops, lecture theatres, studios and workspaces will be transformed into an exhibition covering around 10,000 square metres: guests can gain unique insights for four days with free admission: More than 600 students from the Fine Arts, Art for Teaching at Grammar Schools, Communication and Industrial Design and Spatial Strategies degree programmes will be showing the projects they have created during the academic year. Visitors to the art academy can find out about the artistic and creative work in art and design – (...)

Apply now!

Anyone wishing to study at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design from the winter semester 2024/25 can apply from 1 to 15 May. You can apply online. All relevant information on the application process for Bachelor’s and Master’s students can be found here. The link to the digital application portal will also be published here from 1 May.

The only art college in Schleswig-Holstein offers Bachelor students a selection of art and design degree programmes: There are Communication Design, Industrial Design, Scenography / Interior Design, Fine Art and Art Teaching at Grammar Schools. The Master’s degree programmes in Communication Design, Spatial Strategies, Fine Arts, Art Teaching at Grammar Schools and two different Master’s programmes in Industrial Design are also offered: Medical Design and Interface Design. (...)

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Sculpture (sculpture/ installation/ spatial conception)

Sculpture includes all three-dimensional artistic work that is cast, molded, screwed, cut or glued, etc., and is defined in a certain relationship to the space surrounding it. The body can also be understood as a material.

The spatial relation is determinant for the distinction of what “sculpture” can be and is reflected in the terms of “sculpture/ installation/ spatial conception”.

The everyday study life

The student’s own practical work and intensive search for what art can be form the center of the course. Excellent workplaces are available for this purpose in the new studios in Knooper Weg and in the Arfrade workshop hall.
Every week the class meets. Criteria and standards for art develop through discussion and close observation.
Guests and excursions broaden the horizon beyond the university.

Technically, almost anything is possible. Exhibitions put the “research laboratory” of study on stage.

Project room

Space is always present as a condition of art. It is a focus in our teaching area to learn to understand the change in the various ways of looking at space, to make it visible and experienceable in one’s own artistic works from the ground up and experimentally.
The project room serves this purpose, where works with space are presented regularly on Wednesday evenings.


Klasse FORT